Welcome to the residents municipal services page. If you are looking for specific municipal service information, this is where you will find it. Simply use the tabs below and to the left in order to select a service from the menu.
The Town of Cobalt is committed to ensuring equal access and equal participation opportunities for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.
We believe in full participation and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner.
We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontario’s accessibility laws.
A copy of the Town of Cobalt’s Accessibility Plan and Cobalt’s Accessibility Compliance Report is available to view in person.
Please contact the Municipal Office to make an appointment.
Access the Town of Cobalt’s Accessibility Plan. Please click here to download a copy of the current plan.
Access the Town of Cobalt’s Accessibility Compliance Report. Please click here to download a copy of the current plan.
Animal Control
Dog and cat tags are available at the Paul Penna Public Library or from the Animal Control Officer. Tags must be purchased each year.
Contact Animals First at 705-650-2378 with any issues or concerns.
Asset Management
Access the Town of Cobalt’s Asset Management Plan. Please click here to download a copy of the 2024 Town of Cobalt Asset Management Plan.
In accordance with the OREG 588/17 Phase 1 Compliance, here is the Cobalt Asset Management Policy: 2019 Asset Management Policy
Click here to download Cobalt’s Asset Retirement Obligations
Building Department
Building permits are for the safety of the homeowner and any future homeowners of the property and provide information to MPAC in order to keep property assessments current.
Click Here for the Building Permit Application
Temiskaming Municipal Services Association (TMSA)
The building department services for the Town of Cobalt are contracted to the Temiskaming Municipal Services Association (TMSA). The TMSA is comprised of twenty one member municipalities in the Temiskaming district of Ontario. Services include the permitting process, building inspections, and building code enforcement.
For more information, please visit www.tembuild.com
Building Inspector
Chief Building Official David Barton
To get in touch with the TMSA, please contact them at (705) 563-2426.
How Do I Get a Permit?
- Prepare drawings that accurately and to scale describe the construction (Site Plan, Foundation Drawings, Floor Layout, Structural Cross Section, Elevations)
- Visit your local municipal office and complete a building permit application
- Pay the permit fee
- You may commence construction any time after the permit has been picked up
Please Note:
- Additional drawings may be required depending on the specifics of the project
- Your permit will expire if no construction has been started within 6 months of the issue date
Permits are NOT normally required for:
- Detached structures less than 161 square feet (12′ x 13′)
- Detached decks less than 24″ high
- Replacing roofing or siding
- Replacing windows or doors with the same size
- Weeping tile or tarring a basement
- Replacing plumbing fixtures
Change of Use:
If you want to change the way you use all or part of a building, you may need a change of use permit, even if you are not planning any construction. A building evaluation may have to be done to make sure that the building can safely accommodate the proposed use. Different uses have different Building Code requirement.
An encroachment agreement is a legal and binding agreement between the Town of Cobalt and a property owner whose property abuts the municipal property. The agreement permits the property owner to have an encroachment on Town property.
What is considered an encroachment?
There are two types of encroachments, minor or major:
- Minor Encroachments means an encroachment that is minor in nature and may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Shrubs, trees or other natural landscape materials
- Major Encroachment means an encroachment that is large in scale, difficult to move, secured by a footing and may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Buildings (including dwellings, garages, sheds);
- Structures (including retaining walls, decks, stairs and patios);
- Fences
How to apply for an encroachment agreement:
To apply for an encroachment agreement please send via e-mail to [email protected], in person at 18 Silver Street, Cobalt or via mail to P.O. Box 70 Cobalt ON P0J 1C0, the following documents:
- A completed Encroachment Application Form Link the application here
- A fee of $50.00 (2025 fee) for the initial review by staff
- A copy of the Deed for the Encroaching Party’s Land which abuts the subject municipal lands
- A Plan of Survey or Sketch of the Subject Lands
- In a separate document please provide the pertinent history of the encroachment such as the estimated length of time the said encroachment has been in place, purpose etc.
- If available please provide the property legal description which includes Property Identification Number (PIN)
By-Law 2023-21 – to adopt an Encroachment Policy for the Town of Cobalt Link the by-law here
For more information please contact the Town of Cobalt’s Municipal Office.
Fire Department
The Cobalt Volunteer Fire Department contributes a great deal to the community. These individuals are always there to lend a helping hand or to organize community events. Their barbecues are second to none (and they are safe!!) and the treats they put together at Halloween are special. The Haunted House, Santa Skate, fundraising all contribute to making our community so special.
Cobalt | Present Fire Chief
Shawn Hearn
Contact the Fire Hall
51 Silver Street
Cobalt, Ontario
P0J 1C0
(705) 679-8345 for messages
Dial 9-1-1 for emergencies
Public Works
Public Works Department
Contact Municipal Garage at (705) 679-8110
8 Hudson Bay Road, Cobalt, ON, P0J 1C0
The Public Works Department is responsible for all roadways, sidewalks, public buildings, parks and snow removal. This represents most of their responsibilities but they do much more. Their efforts to maintain our community and provide a safe environment for its citizens requires everyone’s cooperation. Please obey parking regulations and comply with municipal bylaws.
Recreation is an essential part of human life and finds many different forms which are shaped naturally by individual interests but also by the surrounding social construction. Leisurely activities can be found throughout the Town of Cobalt. Facilities that hold these recreational activities are displayed below.
Cobalt Community Hall
The community hall is situated in downtown Cobalt above the municipal office and can accommodate groups of 180. Although it is upstairs, there is an electric chair lift which provides secure accessibility to the upper floor.
The hall is equipped with a bar facility and an exceptional kitchen where meals can actually be prepared. The dishwasher is commercial grade and there are sufficient place settings for large groups.
- Complete Hall | $350.00
- Funerals & Meetings | $120.00
- Business Centre | Free
- Equipment Deposit | $100.00
- Damage Deposit | $200.00
- Service Clubs & Charitable Functions | 50% Off
Community Hall Rental Agreement
Phone: (705) 679-8877 | Email: [email protected]
Golden Age Club
The Golden Age Club offers a variety of opportunities for local age 50+ Senior residents to visit and socialize. The club hosts a monthly membership luncheon followed by its monthly meetings. The members enjoy various activities planned with seniors in mind.
The club exists to provide for an exchange of ideas, through formal meetings or informal gatherings. We are basically a social club that organizes activities that enhance the physical and mental well-being of our members. All persons over the age of 50 are welcome to join and be part of the activities and meetings. The club is open not only to Cobalt residents, but also to those who reside in the outlying areas.
Golden Age Club,
Box 29,
Cobalt, ON P0J 1C0
705-679-5525 (leave a message)
[email protected]
Facebook at Golden Age Club
Property Taxes Due Dates
Interim Billing: February 28, 2025 & April 30, 2025
Final Billing: August 29, 2025 & October 31, 2025
A complex, and sometimes confusing system, property taxes provide municipalities with the dollars they need to deliver the programs and services residents depend on each day. The property tax system is based on the age-old practice of collecting taxes based on property values. Here’s how it works.
The process begins by determining each property’s assessed value. The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) does this for the entire province of Ontario. Each property is assessed at its market value. The same house could have two totally different market values in two different towns. Property values are then supplied to municipalities on annual assessment rolls. Municipalities complete the process by applying the appropriate tax rate to the assessed value of the property. Tax rates are determined annually in each municipality, and differ between the various tax classes (i.e. residential, industrial, commercial, etc.).
Even though municipalities collect taxes on behalf of the Province, they only keep one portion for themselves. Some of your taxes are used directly for community programs and some are put aside for the Province either for education or for provincially mandated programs such as welfare, social assistance and affordable housing. If you have any questions about your municipal property taxes, please contact the Town of Cobalt at (705) 679-8877 or email [email protected].
On the other hand, if you have questions about your property assessment, please contact MPAC at:
- Phone: 1-866-296-6722
- Fax: 1-866-297-6703
- Website: mpac.ca
- E-mail: [email protected]
Utility billing is now included with your property taxes as of January 1, 2021
Waste Management
The Town of Cobalt has introduced automated garbage and a “single-stream” recycling system. This means that you can put all of your recyclable materials into one bin, making it easier to recycle and less garbage will end up in the landfill. This new system will also help save taxpayer dollars and the environment.
The Calendar for the December 2024 to May 2025 Garbage and Recycling Collection is here:
Recyclables placed in non-approved containers will not be collected. Please do not use cardboard boxes or grocery bags as containers. Do not bag your mixed recyclables in plastic bags (i.e. garbage or grocery bags). Place items loosely in your recycle bin, with the exception of shredded paper which requires packaging in a clear plastic bag.
Acceptable materials include:
Beverage and food containers – Rinse clean and recycle
- Clamshell containers (hinged, clear plastic containers used for food items such as berries and take-out)
- Clear fruit and vegetable containers
- Clear take-out food containers
- Clear molded bakery item trays, egg cartons
- Disposable plastic plates and glasses
- Cold beverage cups/lids
- Plastic bottles and jugs (lids on)
- Milk cartons
- Juice Box (e.g. juice, drinks, soup, broth, etc.)
- Glass bottles and jars
- All Plastics No. 1-7 (e.g. margarine, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, yogurt, pudding, apple sauce containers, etc.)
- Metal cans
- Cardboard cans (e.g. frozen juice, refrigerated dough, chips, nuts, powdered drink mix)
- Aluminium cans, trays, burner liners, pie plates, roasting pans, etc.
- Blister packaging (e.g. gum and lozenges)
Home and personal product containers – Rinse clean and recycle
- Plastic bottles and tubs – lids and sprayers screwed on tight (e.g. shampoo, detergent, fabric softener, etc.)
- Prescription bottles (empty)
- Plastic kitty litter tubs with plastic handle
- Aerosol cans (empty)
- Clear compact disk cases (empty)
Plastic gift cards
Foam polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic retail shopping bags – Rinse clean and recycle
- Styrofoam food containers and protective packaging (e.g. drinking cups, egg cartons, meat trays, takeout food containers, electronics packaging)
- Plastic bags – grocery, shopping, dry cleaning, bread bags, vegetable/fruit bags, milk bags (outer and rinsed inner bag) – Place all plastic bags in one retail or grocery plastic bag and tie handles together
- Plastic outer wrap from packages, such as from paper towels, cases of water, etc.
- Bubbled plastic packaging
Cardboard/ Paper – Not contaminated with food or chemicals
- Bags, rolls, junk mail, writing/computer paper, envelopes, window envelopes, envelopes with padding
- Shredded paper (put in clear plastic bag and tie closed)
- Gift wrap, cards (no ribbons, bows, foil wrap)
- Newspapers, flyers, telephone directories, magazines, catalogues, books (hardcover removed), etc.
- Boxboard boxes (e.g. cereal, tissue, detergent, egg cartons – flatten and remove liners)
- Corrugated cardboard (clean and flattened – pizza boxes must be empty)
Unacceptable materials include:
- Organic material – food scraps, diapers, animal waste
- Used/soiled paper or plastic plates and utensils
- Hazardous waste: propane/helium tanks & cylinders, batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs (Must not be put in recycling or garbage; take to annual Orange Drop Event.)
- Medical waste: needles are hazardous waste (Must not be put in garbage; take to annual Orange Drop event).
- Auto parts, tools, extension cords
- Clothes, shoes, carpets, curtains, bedding
- Electronics (take to the Electronic Waste Recycling Bin)
- Small Appliances (e.g. coffee makers, microwaves, etc.)
- Plastic: squeeze tubes for home and personal products (hair, body, etc.), caulking tubes, food storage containers, motor oil jugs
- Large plastics (e.g. pool covers, tarps, pools, toys, etc.)
- Binders (e.g. three-ring), clipboards
- Hoses
- Glass – drinking glasses, dishes, cups, crystal, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, pottery, etc.
- Metal – scrap metal, coat hangers, pots, pans, etc.
- Wood – pieces, flooring, crates for fruit, etc.
- Yard Waste – grass clippings, tree limbs, leaves, etc.
Garbage placed in non-approved containers will not be collected. Please do not use cardboard boxes or grocery bags as containers.
Items not collected at the curb include:
- Construction or demolition materials, such as shingles, drywall, tiles, concrete, bricks and large amounts of wood (take to landfill)
- Household hazardous waste (take to the annual orange drop event)
- Tires and automotive parts (take to landfill)
- TV`s, Computers (take to Electronic Recycling Bin, located at the Haileybury landfill)
- Large Articles, such as Barbeques, Mattresses, Furniture (take to landfill)
Winter Collection
Winter weather conditions create challenges for the collection of waste. During extreme weather conditions, your garbage and recycling collection may be delayed; however, Phippen Waste Management will do their best to ensure regular collection schedules remain on time.
During the winter months, it may be necessary to change the regular placement of your rollout bins after a snowfall.
To view or print an information sheet regarding Curbside Waste Collection during Winter Months, please click here.
Place your garbage or recycling bin at the curb between 8:00 p.m. the evening before and 6:30 a.m. on your collection day, as pick-up times may vary occasionally without notice.
Place your garbage or recyclable bin in a visible location as close as possible to the roadway, but not on a travelled roadway, or in an area that would interfere with pedestrian/ vehicular traffic, mail delivery vehicles, or maintenance operations.
Materials placed for roadside collection at ground level should be placed in accordance to the following:
- Street with concrete/asphalt curb – placed directly behind the curb;
- Street with gravel road shoulders – placed directly on road shoulder;
The front-side of the bin must face the street and the immediate space around the bin must remain unobstructed (at least three (3) feet from an object for the mechanical lift arm used in automated collection). If you wish, you may clear a spot for your recycle and garbage bin that is free of snow and easy for collectors to see. Do not place any of your containers on top of or behind snow banks.
It is important to keep a safe distance between you and the waste collection truck. Whether you are driving or walking near a truck, always stay alert and please do not approach the vehicle or the automated side arm.
- Excess garbage or recyclable material beside your cart will not be picked up. If you have excess material, you can:
- Store it so it can be picked up during the next collection period.
- Dispose of your garbage at the City of Temiskaming Shores landfill site on Dump Road.
- Reduce your waste by:
- Avoiding purchasing items with excess packaging;
- Avoid purchasing single-use and disposable products, and use refillable or reusable containers;
- Remove your name from mailing lists of materials you no longer wish to receive;
- Do not throw away items that can be reused or donated;
- Maximize waste diversion by using the recycling program to the fullest; and
- Bring your own bags when you shop.
Garbage and recycling collection occurs on the same as your existing pick-up, but on alternating weeks. Please refer to the Curbside Collection Schedule below for your scheduled day.
Animal Prevention Tip:
For animal resistance, consider keeping your garbage containers inside a garage or a shed, and place your garbage at the curb or roadside by 6:30 a.m. on your collection day, not the previous evening.
If you are unable to place the containers inside, regularly wash to help reduce odours.
The hard plastic cover on the bins prevents dogs and other animals from opening and reaching the contents.
Location: 704165 Rockley Road, New Liskeard, Ontario
Hours of Operation: The landfill is operated and maintained through a contract with Phippen Waste Management with the following operating hours:
Landfill Hours of Operation |
Tuesday to Saturday |
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. |
Sunday, Monday, Statutory Holidays |
Closed |
The Town of Cobalt currently partners with the City of Temiskaming Shores for use of the Haileybury Landfill.
- If a Statutory Holiday falls on a Monday, the next day Tuesday will be recognized as the Statutory Holiday and the landfill will be closed.
- Be courteous and allow sufficient time to unload garbage prior to closing time of 4:30 p.m. Please do not show up at 4:20 p.m. with a large load.
Household Hazardous Waste
Orange Drop is a recycling program aimed at keeping hazardous and special waste materials out of Ontario’s landfills and waterways. The Orange Drop program allows residents to return designated materials to a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection event. For more information on what you can drop, go to www.makethedrop.ca.
Commercial hazardous or special waste is NOT accepted.
Electronic Recycling
An electronic waste recycling bin is located at the Landfill site, 704165 Rockley Road, New Liskeard, Ontario. Acceptable items include:
- Display Devices(Monitors & Televisions)
- Desktop Computers
- Portable Computers
- Computer Peripherals
- Printing, Copying & Multifunction Devices
- Telephone & Answering Machines
- Cellular Devices & Pagers
- Home Theatres (Equalizers, Amplifiers, Speakers, Tuners & Turntables)
- Aftermarket Vehicle Audio & Video Devices
- Image, Audio and Video Devices
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I own the garbage and recycling bins?
No. The bins will belong to the property, not the homeowners.
Can residential property owners opt out of the enhanced waste management program?
No. It is the intention of the Town of Cobalt to have all of its residents participate in the program, to ensure that all appropriate material is being diverted from our landfill. This increased diversion rate will extend the life of the landfill.
I am a property owner with renters. What does this mean for me?
You are responsible for ensuring the bins are available for your tenants.
Are the bins durable and easy to manoeuvre?
The garbage and recyclables bin are flexible and are proven to hold their shape even after years of service. The bins are constructed to withstand an automated collection system and are easy to roll even with heavy loads. The reinforced top lip adds strength and rigidity as do the double drag rail and reinforced bottom. The specially designed wide ground-hugging base helps keep these carts upright and stable.
When will garbage and recyclable material be collected?
Collection will be conducted Thursdays, on a bi-weekly basis.
Do I bag my recyclables?
No. Any items received at the sorting facility in garbage or grocery bags are considered non-recyclable materials, as these bags are not opened and the contents are not sorted. Exception: Shredded paper. Place and tie shredded paper in a clear plastic bag.
Are black or green garbage bags required to hold garbage in the bin?
No. You have the option of placing your garbage in a regular sized garbage bag and then into the bin, or you can put smaller, “kitchen catcher” bags of garbage into the bin, eliminating the need to continually purchase large garbage bags.
What if I don’t produce enough waste to fill the garbage or recycling bin every two weeks?
You have the option of waiting until your garbage or recycling bin is full before setting it out for collection.
What if I have too much waste to fit into the bin(s)?
Excess garbage or recyclable material beside your cart will not be picked up. If you have excess material, you can:
- Store it so it can be picked up during the next collection period.
- Cut up or breakdown oversize items.
- Dispose of your garbage at the Town of Cobalt landfill site.
- Reduce your waste by:
- Avoiding purchasing items with excess packaging;
- Avoid purchase single use and disposable products, and use refillable or reusable containers;
- Remove your name from mailing lists of materials you no longer wish to receive;
- Don’t throw away items that can be reused or donated;
- Maximize waste diversion by using the recycling program to the fullest; and
- Bring your own bags when you shop.
What items are recyclable?
Beverage and food containers – Rinse clean and recycle
- Clamshell containers (hinged, clear plastic containers used for food items such as berries and take-out)
- Clear fruit and vegetable containers
- Clear take-out food containers
- Clear molded bakery item trays, egg cartons
- Disposable plastic plates and glasses
- Cold beverage cups/lids
- Plastic bottles and jugs (lids on)
- Milk cartons
- Juice Boxes (e.g. juice, drinks, soup, broth, etc.)
- Glass bottles and jars
- All Plastics No. 1-7 (e.g. margarine, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, yogurt, pudding, apple sauce containers, etc.)
- Metal cans
- Cardboard cans (e.g. frozen juice, refrigerated dough, chips, nuts, powdered drink mix)
- Aluminium cans, trays, burner liners, pie plates, roasting pans, etc.
- Blister packaging (e.g. gum and lozenges)
Home and personal product containers – Rinse clean and recycle
- Plastic bottles and tubs – lids and sprayers screwed on tight (e.g. shampoo, detergent, fabric softener, etc.)
- Prescription bottles (empty)
- Plastic kitty litter tubs with plastic handle
- Aerosol cans (empty)
- Clear compact disk cases (empty)
- Plastic gift cards
Foam polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic retail shopping bags – Rinse clean and recycle
- Styrofoam food containers and protective packaging (e.g. drinking cups, egg cartons, meat trays, takeout food containers, electronics packaging)
- Plastic bags – grocery, shopping, dry cleaning, bread bags, vegetable/fruit bags, milk bags (outer and rinsed inner bag) – Place all plastic bags in one retail or grocery plastic bag and tie handles together
- Plastic outer wrap from packages, such as from paper towels, cases of water, etc.
- Bubbled plastic packaging
Cardboard/ Paper – Not contaminated with food or chemicals
- Bags, rolls, junk mail, writing/computer paper, envelopes, window envelopes, envelopes with padding
- Shredded paper (put in clear plastic bag and tie closed)
- Gift wrap, cards (no ribbons, bows, foil wrap)
- Newspapers, flyers, telephone directories, magazines, catalogues, books (hardcover removed), etc.
- Boxboard boxes (e.g. cereal, tissue, detergent, egg cartons – flatten and remove liners)
- Corrugated cardboard (clean and flattened – pizza boxes must be empty)
What items are not recyclable?
- Organic material – food scraps, diapers, animal waste
- Used/soiled paper or plastic plates and utlensils
- Hazardous waste: propane/helium tanks & cylinders, batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs (Must not be put in recycling or garbage; take to annual Orange Drop Event.)
- Medical waste: needles are hazardous waste (Must not be put in garbage; take to annual Orange Drop event.)
- Auto parts, tools, extension cords
- Clothes, shoes, carpets, curtains, bedding
- Electronics (take to the Electronic Waste Recycling Bin)
- Small Appliances (e.g. coffee makers, microwaves, etc.)
- Plastic: squeeze tubes for home and personal products (hair, body, etc.), caulking tubes, food storage containers, motor oil jugs
- Large plastics (e.g. pool covers, tarps, pools, toys, etc.)
- Binders (e.g. three ring), clipboards
- Hoses
- Glass – drinking glasses, dishes, cups, crystal, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, pottery, etc.
- Metal – scrap metal, coat hangers, pots, pans, etc.
- Wood – pieces, flooring, crates for fruit, etc.
- Yard Waste – grass clippings, tree limbs, leaves, etc.
What is Household Hazardous Waste?
Proper disposal of items like propane tanks, batteries, pesticides, oil, fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent light bulbs, etc. means taking these items to the annual Orange Drop Event. These types of items must never be put in recycling or garbage.
For more information on the type of materials accepted, please visit www.makethedrop.ca.
Are all plastics recyclable?
Yes, we recycle ALL plastics No. 1-7. Please rinse out all food containers, and empty liquids from beverage bottles.
Can I recycle Styrofoam?
Yes. The program will accept styrofoam; please ensure to remove the absorbent pad from styrofoam meat trays.
Should I empty out bottles and cans?
Yes. Please pour out leftover liquid from bottles and cans, and rinse food from containers, especially from nut butter, mayonnaise and sauce containers.
Should I remove the lid from my plastic bottle?
No. The plastic lid is recyclable.
Do cardboard boxes need to be flattened?
Yes. Please flatten cardboard boxes and empty all packing materials, such as plastic bags and foam.
Can I recycle pizza boxes?
Yes. Clean pizza boxes are recyclable as long as the leftovers and wax paper liner are thrown away.
Is shredded paper recyclable?
Yes. Please bag shredded material in a clear plastic bag and place it in the recycling bin.
Are paper towels, tissues, and napkins recyclable?
No. These items are considered to be used / soiled and are not accepted at the Material Recovery Facility.
Are books recyclable?
Yes. We recycle all books; however, please separate cover from hardcover books.
Is aluminum foil recyclable?
Yes. Sheets of aluminum foil are recyclable along with other aluminum containers, such as pie pans and lids from some carry-out restaurants. Please rinse off all food prior to placing in bin.
Greasy and or food-laden aluminum trays from grills or other cooking are not acceptable. Please put aluminum contaminated with grease and/or food in the trash.
Can electronics go in the recycling bin for curbside pickup?
No, but an electronic waste recycling bin is located at the Haileybury Landfill site, located on Dump Road off Highway 11. Acceptable items include:
- Display Devices (Monitors & Televisions)
- Desktop Computers
- Portable Computers
- Computer Peripherals
- Printing, Copying & Multifunction Devices
- Telephone & Answering Machines
- Cellular Devices & Pagers
- Home Theatres (Equalizers, Amplifiers, Speakers, Tuners & Turntables)
- Aftermarket Vehicle Audio & Video Devices
- Image, Audio and Video Devices
Where do I call for additional information?
Please contact the town office at (705) 679-8877.
Amnesty Program
Council Resolution 15-064 eliminated the Annual Spring Clean-Up Program and implemented an Amnesty Program (no Tipping Fees) which will consist of a week in the spring and one in the fall with some restrictions (see below) at the Haileybury Landfill Site.
Spring Amnesty Week:
The Spring Amnesty Program will run for one week.
- Dates to be decided
Fall Amnesty Week:
Dates to be decided
The Amnesty Program has the following restrictions/conditions:
- Applicable to residents of Cobalt and is not applicable for Industrial-Commercial or Institutional (ICI) entities;
- Deposit up to a maximum of two (2) cubic yards of waste equivalent to a ½ ton truck load per amnesty week;
- Tipping Fees remain applicable for Category 10 Items – Contaminated Waste;
- Surcharge fee of $75.00 remains applicable for ozone-depleting or Freon containing waste.
The Town of Cobalt boasts superior quality drinking water drawn from Lake Sasaginaga which has been protected since 1917 through an Act of the Provincial Legislature “The Cobalt Municipal Water Act”. This lake provides all of the drinking water for the municipality and some residents of Coleman Township.
No development has been allowed on the watershed flowing into the lake, nor is any kind of building or recreation allowed on it or the lakes feeding directly into it. This is one of very few lakes in Canada which has been totally protected from development thus ensuring a safe drinking water supply in perpetuity.
It stands as a testament to the foresight of the mining companies and the municipality.
Download the Cobalt DWS Operational Plan here.
Cobalt DWS Annual Summary Report 2024